Chemical Peels

 Alumier MD

Here at Oh My Glow, we know that medical grade makes all the difference. Using medical grade products at home gives clinic standard results. The term medical grade means they are available from clinics and establishments that operate under the medical direction and licence of a physician. One big difference between medical grade and over the counter products is the purity, concentration and formulation of the ingredients. Medical-grade ingredients pack a punch. They are potent, pure and efficacious with the highest concentrations of active ingredients. And this is done with a purpose – to treat very specific skin conditions or concerns, under strict professional direction. 

Created by Experts

 Dr. Karl Lintner, Ph.D.

Dr. Karl Lintner obtained a Degree in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Biochemistry from Vienna University in Austria. After 10 years of research on biological peptides at the Nuclear Research Centre in Saclay, France (including more than 30 published papers in biochemistry and biophysics), he became Laboratory Manager, then Marketing Manager (product development and worldwide technical support) with the Henkel Company, Düsseldorf, Germany.

 Dr. Goldstein Ph.D.

Dr. Goldstein received her Bachelor of Science with honours in Biochemistry, Masters of Science in Pathology and Ph.D. in Basic Medical Sciences from New York University in the area of UV and gamma radiation damage to DNA and DNA repair. She has been credited with more than eleven publications in scientific journals and books and has been awarded patents in the area of raw materials, encapsulation and controlled release.

 Our Chemical Peel treatment

Our chemical peels in clinic are bespoke to your skin. Ingredients and intensity are chosen based on your skins needs and our peels are always followed by our medical grade Dermalux LED therapy. Chemical peels are excellent for treating a number of concerns including but not limited to; acne, pigmentation, anti-aging and dull skin. Our Peel & Dermalux treatment is suitable for all skin types and tones, and is even suitable for sensitive skin. If you are unsure about whether a chemical peel is suitable for your skin then book in a 'First appointment' on our online booking as we can advise you on what treatment is most suitable for you after completing a full consultation.